Author Topic: Bonus číslo 317 (17. 3. 2019) - Duchařské historky  (Read 425 times)

Kara Melka

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Ghost Stories je takové milé, alternativní CD Coldplay z roku 2014, a přestože název slibuje pořádnou duchařinu, nic moc děsivého na něm není. My si ale napíšeme pořádný duchařský drabble a napíšeme si ho celý anglicky.

V hardcore verzi se musí vyskytnout i jazyk jiný, než je angličtina (a čeština).

Kara Melka

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And the winner is...
« Reply #1 on: 17. Mar 2019, 19:03 »
And the winner is... (1274)

Bartimeus was a quite good storyteller; he had the required personal charm to enchant the listeners and everybody loved to listen to his hoarse voice, to watch his handsome face while he was... performing.
It was no wonder that he entered the Ghost stories competition at the Lammas celebration. And as he had started to tell the story about a creepy everlasting love, in which the bride loved the dead groom, he won the audience.
Suddenly the banshee entered, gave everybody the chill in their back and helped Bartimeus to won the competition. Nobody ever heard such a terryfing story.

Fandom: Zaklínač rpg

Banana Brannigan

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Feeble fiction
« Reply #2 on: 17. Mar 2019, 22:52 »
Feeble fiction

There was something fundamentally wrong with telling ghost stories to little girls locked in a damp dungeon, but Becky did it anyway.
Mostly because they asked her to; it was, after all, just about the only entertainment available down there and she was good at it. Inventing various apparitions that allegedly haunted the upper levels, she gave them hope that there were some beings in this wretched palace that sufferied just like them.
Besides, these ghosts were mostly immaterial and could not pshysically touch or harm them, unlike some of the other seriously scary things that were creeping the place.

Fandom: Star Wars
I s malým banánem se dá uhnat velká opice.


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Ghoststalker Girl
« Reply #3 on: 17. Mar 2019, 23:10 »
Ghoststalker Girl (150 ABY)

Kerribecca was… weird.
While a decent ghost story never failed to send shivers down her peers‘ spines, she usually rolled her eyes somewhere in the middle and ran away, preferring to spend the night in the forest. When confronted by the village elder, who got rather offended by her actions one day, she apologised, but claimed he was portraying the ghosts completely wrong.
Although informed, her father could not possibly punish her.
After all, she knew a ghost personally – her grandfather, who died a hundred years ago and was still much more fun than most of these living elders combined.

Fandom: Star Wars (starej kánon)
[„If you can't beat them, eat them.“]


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Ghost gibberish
« Reply #4 on: 22. Mar 2019, 16:00 »
Ghost gibberish (2 BBY, nedělní žolík)

When Simbacca learned there are ghost stories to be heard, he thought that his visit to Home One might not be a waste of time after all. He loved ghost stories, having met a substantial amount of spirits, spectres and dead Sith lords in his time, and could tell quite a few himself.
As he walked towards the gathering crowd, he even remembered Nina and shivered a little.
But seeing Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios and the other rebels from the fabled Ghost crew, he suddenly realised what a grievous mistake he’d made, facepalmed and went for a snack instead.

Fandom: Star Wars
I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.


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